Research report: Mortgage lending in Poland, 2016
Mortgage lending in Poland, 2016-2018

pdf file Research Report: "Mortgage lending in Poland, 2016-2018"

An accelerating recovery in Poland`s residential construction could be observed since 2014. The number of new permits and starts jumped to 189k and 168k respectively in 2015 recording a double digit growth, compared to 2014. Key driving forces of improving new home construction have been rising income of individuals - average wages and salaries increased by +3.5% in 2015, and growing employment - the unemployment rate fell to 9.8% in Dec. 2015, compared with 11.4% a year before. Also the recent trend in real estate prices has indicated a gradual recovery. For more information on recent developments in the Polish banking sector, please refer to the full publication.


Table of contents

Executive summary

1. Residential real estate stock & prices
Slide 1: New dwellings completed , starts, permits, 2006-2015
Slide 2: New dwellings completed by regions, Q1-Q3 2015
Slide 3: Residential real estate prices in key cities, 2010-2015 Q3

2. Mortgage lending
Slide 4: Total lending to households by type of loan, 2008-2015
Slide 5: Mortgage loans to households, local vs. foreign currency, 2010-2015
Slide 6: Number of new mortgage loans, average loan size, value of new loans, 2010-2015
Slide 7: Distribution of new mortgage lending by top cities
Slide 8: Mortgage lending penetration benchmarks -International comparison, 2015 H1
Slide 9: New mortgage loans by size and LTV, 2011 Q1 -2015 Q3
Slide 10: New mortgage loans by currency, 2011 Q1 -2015 Q3
Slide 11: Top players (market share>5%) on the mortgage loans market, 2015 Q3
Slide 12: The role of financial intermediaries in mortgage loans distribution, 2010-2014
Slide 13: Reference rates: WIBOR3M & LIBOR CHF 6M, 2009-Dec.2015
Slide 14: Average lending margins evolution - PLN loans, 2010-2015

3. Regulatory issues, risk
Slide 15: The evolution of mortgage loan NPLs, Mar.2009-Sept.2015
Slide 16: Regulatory environment with regards to mortgage loans
Slide 17: CHF/PLN exchange rate, 2000-Dec.2015

4. Forecast
Slide 18: Mortgage loans - outstanding value forecast and GDP penetration, 2016-2018

Methodological notes

End of report