List of Top 200 banks in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE16), edition 2023
Research report:List of Top 200 banks in Central and Eastern Europe

pdf file List of Top 200 banks in Central and Eastern Europe /2023 edition/

Total banking assets in CEE16* exceeded EUR 1.84 trillion as of December 2022 after growing by over 8% YoY.
The year 2022 marked a robust performance for banks operating in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE16*), as the region experienced a remarkable asset growth of over 8% YoY, reaching a combined €1.84 trillion by December 2022, for 16 countries in the region. The expansion in the CEE financial sector was evident in nearly all countries within the region, with some markets like Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Montenegro achieving double-digit growth rates. This recent surge in financial markets across CEE is a testament to the thriving economies, supported by healthy GDP growth and increasing individual incomes.

Remembering the challenging year of 2020, when bank profits experienced a significant hit and key profitability benchmarks were more than halved, regional bankers have shown optimism with a gradual improvement in profitability since 2021. By 2022, the average Return on Assets (ROA) for the top 200 CEE banks reached 0.92%, while the average Return on Equity (ROE) was 9.9%. Although these figures are still below the levels recorded in the years 2016-2019, there is an expectation that regional banks will manage to return to their historical performance. For more info about developments in banking sectors in CEE please review the full publication.
*CEE16 include: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia.


Table of contents

1. CEE-16 Banking Markets

Slide 1: Report coverage: Number of large banks by country, 2022
Slide 2: CEE banking markets: size vs. growth matrix, 2020-2022
Slide 3: Bank assets per capita, bank assets per GDP, 2022
Slide 4: Changes in bank assets by country, 2021-2022
Slide 5: Top 10 banking groups in CEE, 2022
Slide 6: CEE-15 and Top 200 assets evolution 2017-2022
Slide 7: Profitability of Top CEE banks, 2022: ROA, ROE

2. List of 200 major banks in CEE-16 as of 2022

Slide 8: Top 200 - League table: Banks 1-25
Slide 9: Top 200 - League table: Banks 26-50
Slide 10: Top 200 - League table: Banks 51-75
Slide 11: Top 200 - League table: Banks 76-100
Slide 12: Top 200 - League table: Banks 101-125
Slide 13: Top 200 - League table: Banks 126-150
Slide 14: Top 200 - League table: Banks 151-175
Slide 15: Top 200 - League table: Banks 176-200
Note on methodology

End of report.