Inteliace Research is part of Elepton Sp. z o.o. and specializes in tailored consulting and research of various sectors in Europe, Poland and other Eastern European countries.
Inteliace Reasearch

Inteliace Research /Elepton

Inteliace Research is a part of Elepton Sp. z o.o., an independent and privately owned company based in Warsaw, Poland - the heart of Eastern Europe. Elepton serves leading European financial institutions and companies from other sectors. Elepton specializes in tailored consulting and competitive research. By providing top management consulting and customized research Elepton helps Clients to better understand their customers, their competitors and overall market dynamics.

The lead researcher and founder of Inteliace Research and Elepton is Marcin Mazurek.

Marcin MazurekMarcin Mazurek, founder and owner of Inteliace Research/Elepton

Before setting up Inteliace Research Marcin Mazurek has worked for 6 years as a senior research analyst at McKinsey & Company. Marcin was responsible for knowledge management and team/client consulting and research activities, covering following industries: financial services (banking, asset management, insurance), retail trade, FMCG, and other.

Prior to McKinsey, in 1998-1999 Marcin Mazurek has worked in the strategy office of the German HypoVereinsbank and assisted in due-diligence and acquisition process of BPH bank in Poland.

For more information about Marcin please check his Linkedin profile Linkedin or his google+ profile google+

Marcin Mazurek frequently comments on the Polish banking and insurance markets for top business press and magazines. Read selected articles